Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Get Fit Only

Get Fit should have also posted on the following 2 topics:

1.  AIM GAMES volunteering

If you did not volunteer for the AIM games, please find an example of the transformative power of sport & or physical fitness, provide the link and write about why it means something to you.

If you did not participate in hot yoga, please write about another fitness experience in our class.

These should be posted before your final assessment.  Feel free to add any more posts that would provide evidence & support to your final post.

Final Assessment Blog Post -

Please read over this final assessment outline (thanks to Mr. Neufeld:) and being used by the PE department. Take your time and write an honest reflection. I look forward to reading what you have shared about your semester.

Final Portfolio Assessment "Report Card" Post

There are Four pillars to provide evidence (screen shots + links) for, each worth 25%.

For report card posts in grades 8/9 we are legally required to provide a letter grade, and in 10-12 we need an actual percentage to go along with the more meaningful formative writing, so after discussing your semester you will need to put a summative evaluation on it.

As a way to help you organize your thoughts, the following breakdown for the "four pillars" and thematic questions can be used, but you may move beyond these in your explanation.

1) Participation- this category includes all of the factors around your ability to participate and the quality of your participation of in-class activities. Some things to consider would include: attendance and punctuality, wearing gym strip (actual change of clothing from what you wear the rest of the day),  physical presence/activity level during games, intensity of participation, skill level in various games, and the motivation behind your selection of activities on choice days. Missing “sometimes” or having “no strip” more than once or twice should result in a failing mark here.

2) Social Responsibility and Contribution to the Class- this category includes all of the factors that led to your improving skills around working with peers to make everyone's experience more successful. Some things to consider would include: examples of leadership (organizing others, encouraging peers), examples of initiative (helping with equipment, helping with other classes WITHOUT being asked to), positive energy and social dynamic during activities, honesty during competition and on fitness scores, and connections with the community/volunteering. Needing reminders from a teacher to do the above items negates their impact… thus resulting in a failing grade here. If you need to be talked to, you didn’t do well.

3) Healthy Living - this category includes all aspects of your past, current, and future data and goals on your health and fitness. Some of the things to consider would include: your actual fitness scores and what they teach you, noteworthy changes in your fitness, some of the barriers/limitations you face in participating, dietary choices and extra curricular activity choices and their impact on overall health, injury prevention, management, and rehabilitation, and future plans/goals for overall health choices. This is the connecting piece between class and life… if you have no evidence of choices/activities outside of class you should be failing this section.

4) Digital Portfolio and Reflective skills: this category includes all aspects of your blog posts. Some of the things to consider would include: the total collection of digital evidence and number of posts, the quality of the selection of evidence as a demonstration of learning, the quality of the summaries/explanation of the evidence (with reflection of effort, new learning cited, research included, and future goals/plans set), the usefulness of comments on peers blog entries as a part of socially constructed learning and assessment, and your ability to synthesize your entries into a summative final post which provides evidence for your learning. Neufeld’s classes should have: videos of weight room workouts, videos of themselves in the weightroom, images and video of fitness and games, reflections about diet with evidence of meals, evidence of exercise outside of school, a reflective post about the quality of your blog as compared to others, multiple posts about your fitness scores on testing days (beep, vertical), a mid term post, a final post, at least one post with evidence of social responsibility choices you make in class, plus others.

We have worked very hard to create opportunities for you to learn about being intrinsically motivated, to learn about and find value in personalizing your experience to best suite your own physical needs, and we have devalued the external motivators like grades as a reason for being your best. However, along with our legal obligations, we would like to have you understand the spirit of what grades are supposed to reflect, and rather than having your "stories" be excuses for unfair teacher assessed grades, have them be your evidence for co-constructed grading. To do this you need to be honest about the four pillars of learning and how well you approached each of them.

While they are not set at 25% each, if you have minimal evidence for one or more of the pillars this should signal to you that you were NOT successful in that area, which would then be reflected in you self assessed final grade. Your final post should have evidence The goal here is for you to be able to critically and honestly see yourself within the context of the pillars and the class. Nobody is perfect and nobody is without hope... finding yourself in the middle will be more rewarding than anything I as a teacher can ever say about you. Good luck!!

Sunday, 4 May 2014

School of Dance

Get fit girls had a two class field trip to Panorama school of Dance last week. Lots of dance fitness - flexibility, core strengthening, and arms, arms, arms!
Participating in a dance class is fully outside of my comfort zone - especially with so many mirrors(!) but it was so much fun to be part of this class. 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Link to Get Fit Class Posts

Once you have completed your Report Card post (and fencing & hill run), use the following link to read and comment on at least 3 other students blogs in our class.  Branch out of your usually group of friends for at least one blog! This is one way that we can build community in our class:)

Get Fit Blogs

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Report Card Post

Please do a good job of your report card post - the comment on your report card will direct your parents to your blog for them to read both your post and my comments in order to get an update on your progress.  A number on a report card does not tell the whole story - use your blog to provide more evidence and information about your progress in PE.  
There are 3 important pillars of PE that you must consider in order to self assess your progress. 
Please consider, reflect on and write about each of the following categories of when determining your mark.

1.  Action: Attendance & Participation (60%)
Attendance, gym strip, willingness to participate in a variety of activities.  Field trip attendance if applicable.  Effort in different activities & block wide fitness days. 

2.  Contribution: to the class as a community - leadership, responsible decision making, empathy towards others, inclusion. How do you make our class better? (25%)

3.  Reflection: thoughtful completion of blog posts, self assessment, knowledge of strengths & weaknesses, preparation for interview.(15%)

I am required to provide a letter grade and percent on your report card. Please use the framework above to complete your self assessment that includes a percent.

Monday, 7 April 2014

PE update & Dance week

It is time to post an update on your progress in PE so far this semester.  Ideally, you will have been posting short blog posts as updates after fitness days, including fitness testing scores - including the context of the day (Was it a personal best?  Were you sick? Explain your results...)

FIRST POST TODAY - Please write about Dance Week - What was your attendance during this week?  Why?  Describe your participation throughout the week.  What was your favourite part?

As a PE department we have worked hard to create a culture that values student voice and personal responsibility in owning your experiences in PE.  That means that you often have some freedom within the structure of the classes on choice days and group fitness days to make your own decisions about how hard you are going to work & what activity you are going to participate in.  Some of you are taking this responsibility and running with it - really pushing yourselves, being good examples for younger students, showing leadership & making class better for those around you.  This is what makes a PE class successful.

For your SECOND POST TODAY, write about the following -
a)  your attendance & daily effort (being prepared, willing to participate)
b)  the energy that you bring to class
c)  how you deal with participation in activities that you are not very skilled at (being outside of your comfort zone)
d)  what can YOU do to make our class better from now on?

We will be completing a report card progress post soon and will start interviews next week.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Get Fit Interm Blog Post

Please complete the following blog post as your interm report in order for you to reflect on your progress in Get Fit so far.  Encourage your parents to read your blog post - we will be conducting STUDENT LED conferences in PE on Thursday, where you will be able to show your parents your blog & my comments (if you haven't already) as well as show them some of the activities that we do. You can cut & paste this template into your blog or answer the questions in paragraphs.


Attendance - How many classes have you missed?   Why?
Did Not Participate (DNP) - How many classes have you not participated in?  Why?
No Strip (NS) - How many times have you forgotten / not changed into gym strip?

How have the above most basic parts of coming to Get Fit affected your ability to participate so far this semester?


How would you rate the intensity of your participation in class?
Comment on your participation during block wide fitness days compared to doing fitness as a class.
Provide a specific example of a class (or two) that you are proud of your participation.  Why?
In what ways could you improve?


What are your best attributes in Get Fit?
What type of energy do you bring to class?  How are you contributing to the success of the class?
What can you do to make the class better for you and others?
What is motivating you to participate?

PE 11/12 Interm Blog Post

Please complete the following blog post as your interm report in order for you to reflect on your progress in PE so far.  Encourage your parents to read your blog post - we will be conducting STUDENT LED conferences in PE on Thursday, where you will be able to show your parents your blog & my comments (if you haven't already) as well as show them some of the activities that we do. You can cut & paste this template into your blog or answer the questions in paragraphs.


Attendance - How many classes have you missed?   Why?
Did Not Participate (DNP) - How many classes have you not participated in?  Why?
No Strip (NS) - How many times have you forgotten / not changed into gym strip?

How have the above most basic parts of coming to PE affected your ability to participate in PE so far this semester?


How would you rate the intensity of your participation on fitness day?   On regular classes?
Provide a specific example of a class (or two) that you are proud of your participation.  Why?
In what ways could you improve?


What are your best attributes in PE?
What type of energy do you bring to class?
What can you do to make the class better for you and others?

Pink Shirt Day

This day was better than I thought it would be! It was so fun to see you girls making people smile. I felt really proud of you - stepping out of your comfort zone & trying something different. Little things really can make a difference. How did you feel about the experience? 

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Get Fit in the Sunshine

Our first power walk to City Hall in Get Fit.  Getting outside, talking with friends and getting our heart rates up - that is a great combination for our first day of activity.

Friday, 31 January 2014

Welcome to Grade 11/12 PE!

Grade 11/12 PE at Sullivan Heights is a participation based multi-grade class in which we will participate in various team sports and individual activities.  We will be participating in block-wide fitness on Tuesdays and Fridays, where as senior students, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership and take initiative. We are also planning various field trips in the community that will offer you the opportunity to partake in activities that you may not have tried on your own, such as martial arts, dance, spin classes, zumba, cycling, kayaking and hiking the grouse grind.

Creating and maintaining a PE blog will act as an online portfolio & journal of your progress in this course throughout the semester.  Part of your assessment in the course will include recording, reflecting on & providing evidence of your progress & effort on your blog as well as completion of various blog assignments.

Once you have created your PE blog, please complete your first blog assignment by copy and pasting the questions into your blog (and answering them):

My Personal Profile

*I registered for this course because…

* My favorite part of PE is…

*I think my current current level of fitness is…

*My previous personal best beep test is...

*I am currently doing the following things to be active (outside of PE)…

*Things that PHYSICALLY prevent me from doing exercise (i.e. medical, injury)

*Things that MENTALLY prevent me from doing exercise (i.e. energy, time)

*My eating habits are…

*I Want to be able to learn more about…

*I want to improve my abilities in… (ex. fitness, communication, positive impact)

*Outside school activities I’d like to try are...

*My fitness goals for the semester are…

*My personal character goals are...

Thursday, 30 January 2014


Sullivan Heights Get Fit

Course Outline – 2014

Welcome to Get Fit!  This is a fitness based PE class in which you will push yourself to increase your cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, agility and power.   You will have the opportunity to participate in many different fitness activities both at school and in the community, such as aquafit, spin class, hot yoga, sun run, skating, tae kwon do, dance, zumba, bowling and hiking the grouse grind.  Get Fit should provide a sense of belonging and safe community of students who are willing to try new things, participate with intensity, and push themselves beyond their comfort zone in order to see improvements in their fitness and create a new mindset about fitness and active learning.  

You will be creating a blog in this class as an online journal to reflect on & track your progress, act as evidence of learning, interact with your peers in the class and find inspiration & motivation.   I encourage your parents to check on my blog (and yours) to get updates on class events.

You will be completing written blog reflections and we will be conducting interviews to discuss your progress throughout the semester (at least one interview at midterm and one exit interview) where we will discuss your blog posts, show evidence of your progress and we can discuss your learning/effort/progress.  Together we will construct a grade that best represents your progress in the course.

Field trip information (including dates & associated costs) to follow – if you have any suggestions or concerns about going off campus,  please let me know.

Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.

I’m looking forward to an amazing semester!


Sullivan Heights Secondary
Super Fit 11 - 12

In this course, we will be participating in a variety of fitness activities designed to improve personal fitness – some examples of which are:  weight training, hill and stair running, yoga, boot camps, circuit and interval training as well as participating in many field experiences.  The purpose of the field experiences is to gain exposure to some different types of fitness classes that exist in our community and to gain confidence in a workout setting.  While we will be choosing our field trips based on the interests of the class, some possibilities include hiking the grouse grind, martial arts, hot yoga, spin class, cross fit, muscle pump class, swimming and rock climbing.

We will focus on setting and working towards personal fitness goals throughout the semester – some of which will be measurable increases in such fitness testing as the beep test, step test, push – ups etc.  Your personal fitness goals can encompass any or all of the components of fitness – cardiovascular endurance, strength, power, agility, and flexibility. 

Assessment for this course will consist of blog entries, reflection, self assessment and exit interviews with Ms. Phillips as well as various opportunities for self and peer based assessment of participation, effort, behaviour and fitness.  As a class we will be discussing the details of assessment on an ongoing basis.  You will be creating a blog in this class as an online journal to reflect on & track your progress, act as evidence of learning, interact with your peers in the class and find inspiration & motivation.   Together we will construct a grade that best represents your progress in the course.

Super Fit is a course where you will be expected to work hard on a daily basis.  Your success in meeting your fitness goals will be directly related to your level of participation and your will to succeed.  We will work toward creating a safe, supportive community within our class where we can encourage and motivate each other so that as a group, we can be successful in meeting our fitness and wellness goals.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Get Fit Field Trips

Here is a breakdown of the field trip costs for the semester:

Woo Kim X2 = 9.00
Hot Yoga = $10.00
Dance X2 = 9.00
Fencing = $12.00

Total up to date = $40.00

Bowling on Thursday is $5.00 for just bowling or $10 for bowling and pizza lunch.
You will need 1.75 in change each way for the city bus.

Please add up the field trip that you have attended and pay Ms. Phillips ASAP:)

Monday, 13 January 2014

Super Fit Final Reflection

As the semester is coming to an end, it is time to reflect on your progress this semester.   Remember our first day running the beep test in the small gym?  Remember running the street hill?  Intervals?  Remember not wanting to do it but you did it anyway?  Remember when you thought you couldn't do it, but then you surprised yourself?

As a department, we have been providing the opportunity for you to practice self-reflection and self-assessment along with participation in fitness activities.
Please consider, reflect on and write about each of the following categories of equal importance when determining your mark:

Attendance, gym strip, willingness to participate in a variety of activities.  Comment on your field trip attendance - be specific.  Effort in different activities & block wide fitness days.  Improvements or decline since last reporting period.

Is fitness important to you?  Why?  What does it mean to you?  What motivates you?
Did you reach any of your fitness goals?  Why or why not?
How does your fitness affect your life outside of PE class?  Will you continue with fitness after the semester is over?  How/where/why?

Social Responsibility:
What kind of energy do you bring to this class?  How do you make the class better for others?  What does leadership look like to you and how did you show it?  Give specific examples of your positive contribution.

As you are completing your self-assessment, consider that daily participation is not the only thing that your final mark will be based on.  Coming to class and being prepared to participate is only part of what is important to your success in this class.   I'm looking forward to reading your posts and discussing what you have written in our interviews later this week.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Semester End Reflection

As the semester is coming to a close, we need to take some time to think about what your progress has been and what the semester of Get Fit means to you.  Please write a blog post that reflects on your experience in Get Fit - include information about your fitness improvements, class participation & field trip experiences.  What activities do you like and why?  Have your attitudes towards fitness and PE changed throughout the semester?  Why or why not?  How does having an all girls class change PE for you?  Tell me about your confidence level regarding physical activity.  Has it changed?  Do any of these changes relate to scenarios outside of our "classroom"?  How?

Thinking to the future - what are your fitness plans now that the semester is almost over?  What are the benefits of being physically active that you will miss once you are on your own?  What can you take with you from this class to help with this?  What did your find inspiring and motivating in our class & how can you transition to being motivated on your own time?

I want to thank you for an amazing semester - here are some highlights that may refresh your memory of our Get Fit class: