Monday, 3 March 2014

PE 11/12 Interm Blog Post

Please complete the following blog post as your interm report in order for you to reflect on your progress in PE so far.  Encourage your parents to read your blog post - we will be conducting STUDENT LED conferences in PE on Thursday, where you will be able to show your parents your blog & my comments (if you haven't already) as well as show them some of the activities that we do. You can cut & paste this template into your blog or answer the questions in paragraphs.


Attendance - How many classes have you missed?   Why?
Did Not Participate (DNP) - How many classes have you not participated in?  Why?
No Strip (NS) - How many times have you forgotten / not changed into gym strip?

How have the above most basic parts of coming to PE affected your ability to participate in PE so far this semester?


How would you rate the intensity of your participation on fitness day?   On regular classes?
Provide a specific example of a class (or two) that you are proud of your participation.  Why?
In what ways could you improve?


What are your best attributes in PE?
What type of energy do you bring to class?
What can you do to make the class better for you and others?

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