I would like your blog to become more that a place that you are writing about the mark or work habit that you deserve. We are working towards creating honest reflections on your struggles, your triumphs, and thinking about the place that physical activity can have in your life outside of the gymnasium, outside of your AL block.
Mr. Neufeld has written 2 posts that provide great examples of what I mean. Please read them before writing your reflection today.
Neufeld's Blog
For your active learning interim report, I would like you to post about one of three topics -
A. All about me. Write about your personality, what you like to do in your spare time, what your favorite classes are etc. How does living actively fit into your life?
B. Goals. What are some short and long term physical activity goals you have (both inside and outside of PE)? How are you planning on getting there?
C. Healthy Living - What does that mean to you? Talk about your level of activity and your nutrition, and any other components of healthy living that are important to you.
Lastly, write about the connections you are forming within our Active Learning class. Do you feel safe and supported by your peers? How are you working to create a positive environment for yourself and others. Active learning is a very social class, where interactions with others are an important part of your experience.
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