Thursday, 4 June 2015

Final Blog Post - GET FIT

Final Portfolio Assessment "Report Card" Post

There are Four pillars to provide evidence for, each worth 25%.

For report card posts in grades 10-12 we need an actual percentage to go along with the more meaningful formative writing, so after discussing your semester you will need to put a summative evaluation on it.

As a way to help you organize your thoughts, the following breakdown for the "four pillars" and thematic questions can be used, but you may move beyond these in your explanation.

1) Participation- this category includes all of the factors around your ability to participate and the quality of your participation of in-class activities. Some things to consider would include: attendance and punctuality, wearing gym strip (actual change of clothing from what you wear the rest of the day),  physical presence/activity level during games, intensity of participation, and the motivation behind your selection of activities on choice days. Missing “sometimes” or having “no strip” more than once or twice should result in a failing mark here.

2) Social Responsibility and Contribution to the Class- this category includes all of the factors that led to your improving skills around working with peers to make everyone's experience more successful. Some things to consider would include: examples of leadership (organizing others, encouraging peers), examples of initiative (helping with equipment, helping with other classes WITHOUT being asked to), positive energy and social dynamic during activities, honesty during competition and on fitness scores, and connections with the community - outside of school fitness. Needing reminders from a teacher to do the above items negates their impact.

3) Healthy Living - this category includes all aspects of your past, current, and future data and goals on your health and fitness. Some of the things to consider would include: your actual fitness scores and what they teach you, noteworthy changes in your fitness, some of the barriers/limitations you face in participating, dietary choices and extra curricular activity choices and their impact on overall health, injury prevention, management, and rehabilitation, and future plans/goals for overall health choices. This is the connecting piece between class and life.

4) Digital Portfolio and Reflective skills: this category includes all aspects of your blog posts. Some of the things to consider would include: the total collection of digital evidence and number of posts, the quality of the selection of evidence as a demonstration of learning, the quality of the summaries/explanation of the evidence (with reflection of effort, new learning cited, research included, and future goals/plans set), and your ability to synthesize your entries into a summative final post which provides evidence for your learning.

We have worked very hard to create opportunities for you to learn about being intrinsically motivated, to learn about and find value in personalizing your experience to best suite your own physical needs, and we have devalued the external motivators like grades as a reason for being your best. To do this you need to be honest about the four pillars of learning and how well you approached each of them.

While they are not set at 25% each, if you have minimal evidence for one or more of the pillars this should signal to you that you were NOT successful in that area, which would then be reflected in you self assessed final grade. The goal here is for you to be able to critically and honestly see yourself within the context of the pillars and the class. Nobody is perfect and nobody is without hope... finding yourself in the middle will be more rewarding than anything I as a teacher can ever say about you. Good luck!!

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

When Get Fit is over....

Your assignment today is to research a specific physical activity that you are interested in pursuing once Get Fit is over.  We will be looking at each other's research to broaden our knowledge of activities that are available locally (or in Greater Vancouver).

Find something interesting and provide a summary (activity, costs, location), photos or videos and links to the webpages that you found.  Why did you choose the activity that you did?  Do you think that you will actually try it?  Why or why not?

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Inspiration Board - Phillips

This is awesome - It makes me think about the stereotypes that we ALL face being girls.

Love this clip too - Dove Real Beauty Sketches - we need to be nice to ourselves!

GET FIT - Inspiration Board

Your post for today to browse the internet for inspiration.  Create an "inspiration board" of your goals, motivational pictures and sayings and even embed video clips from youtube that inspire you.  I am really looking forward to reading these posts!!!!  
With that in mind, once you have created your post, use the link provided HERE to see a page with everyone's blog - read and comment on other peoples blogs in the class - try and move outside of your grade level or friend group!

Here is an example of a video clip that I love & find very inspiring.

More inspiration:
Here is a link to another blog post with some pics that I found last year - take a look!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015


If you are in GET FIT, please complete the OTHER INTERM report in a previous post! Thx:)

Super Fit Interm Report

Use this as a guideline to write about your progress -


Attendance - How many classes have you missed?   Why?
Did Not Participate (DNP) - How many classes have you not participated in?  Why?
No Strip (NS) - How many times have you forgotten / not changed into gym strip?

How have the above most basic parts of coming to Super Fit affected your ability to participate so far this semester (in a positive or negative way)?


How would you rate the intensity of your active participation in class? 
Comment on your participation during block wide fitness days compared to doing fitness as a class.
Provide a specific example of a class (or two) that you are proud of how you did.  Why?
In what ways could you improve?


What is your method of recording your progress in this class?  If you are using an online format (blog), what is the URL? 
How many blog posts/times have you recorded evidence so far this semester? 
Describe the quality of your posts/evidence - are they thoughtful?  Accurate?  Are there any pictures or extras?


What type of energy do you bring to class?  How are you contributing to the success of the class?
Describe your interactions with the other students in the class.  How are you contributing to a sense of community?
What can you do to make the class better for you and others?

Based on your progress & reflection, provide a work habit mark of G/S/N.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

It's Interim Report Time!

It is time for you to reflect on your progress so far in Get Fit - this blog post will be the progress report that you show your parents.  Hopefully they will get a picture of your journey so far by looking at both this post and your posts and reflections since the semester began.

Use this as a guideline to write about your progress -


Attendance - How many classes have you missed?   Why?
Did Not Participate (DNP) - How many classes have you not participated in?  Why?
No Strip (NS) - How many times have you forgotten / not changed into gym strip?

How have the above most basic parts of coming to Get Fit affected your ability to participate so far this semester (in a positive or negative way)?


How many blog posts have you written so far this semester?
Describe the quality of your posts - are they thoughtful?  Accurate?  Are there any pictures or extras? Has the process of writing a blog caused to to reflect on your experiences in class?


How would you rate the intensity of your active participation in class?
Comment on your participation during block wide fitness days compared to doing fitness as a class.
Provide a specific example of a class (or two) that you are proud of how you did.  Why?
In what ways could you improve?


What type of energy do you bring to class?  How are you contributing to the success of the class?
Describe your interactions with the other girls in the class.  How are you contributing to a sense of "safety" and community?
What can you do to make the class better for you and others?

Based on your reflection, provide a work habit mark of G/S/N.

2nd Annual Pink Shirt Day

On Feb 25 we participated in Pink Shirt Day at Sullivan.  Our Get Fit class did something a little different - we wanted to spread some cheer to the Sullivan Community by creating positive posters and sharing smiles & waves with commuters on 64th & 144th.  It was an opportunity to push some of us out of our comfort zones (it's not easy wanting people to notice you!) and hopefully in the process, we made someone else's day!

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

First Week = Variety!

How was your first week in Get Fit?  I am so glad to see that many of you are using your blogs to document your journey - both within and outside of our class activities.  Reflecting on our experiences is where we are able to really learn, make connections, become inspired and be inspiring!

(1)  Many of your have written more than one blog post already, and some of you have already reflected on your experiences throughout the first week of class.  If you have only the intro blog post, please write a post that tells me about what you found worked well for you in the first week - locomotion? yoga? zumba? games day? power walk?

(2) Your next assignment is to look on my previous post with the links to each others blogs and find and read at least 5 other students blog posts from our class.  Choose some people outside of the friends that you interact with the most in our class.  There are some amazing posts already!  If you are inspired or impressed with something you read, write a comment and let our classmates know!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Link to Class Blogs

Here is a link to a page with all of our class blogs... Please look at, read and enjoy each other's blogs - it is easy to add comments as well.  Start a conversation and support each other!


Get Fit 2015

Our class:

First Get Fit Blog Post

This morning we are trying to get everyone onto their blogs (what IS my password!!) or get you set up with a gmail account and blog for the first time.

If you have access to your blog - please provide me with your URL (when you go to VIEW BLOG, it will be in the bar across the top .... so that I can create a list for both our class and me to find & read your posts.

Blog post #1:

You:  Tell me about yourself - What are you interested in?  What do you like to do?  What would you like me to know about you?

Us: Why did you take Get Fit?  What are you hoping to get out of the course?  Do you have any fitness goals?  What can you contribute to the class?

Here is our first day brainstorm about what success looks like in this class - do you have anything to add?

Welcome to Get Fit 2015

Welcome to Get Fit!  

This is a fitness based PE class in which you will push yourself to increase your cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, agility and power.   You will have the opportunity to participate in many different fitness activities both at school and in the community, such as aquafit, spin class, hot yoga, sun run, skating, tae kwon do, dance, zumba, bowling and hiking the grouse grind.  Get Fit should provide a sense of belonging and safe community of students who are willing to try new things, participate with intensity, and push themselves beyond their comfort zone in order to see improvements in their fitness and create a new mindset about fitness and active learning.  

You will be creating a blog in this class as an online journal to reflect on & track your progress, act as evidence of learning, interact with your peers in the class and find inspiration & motivation.   I encourage your parents to check on my blog (and yours) to get updates on class events.

You will be completing written blog reflections and we will be conducting interviews to discuss your progress throughout the semester (at least one interview at midterm and one exit interview) where we will discuss your blog posts, show evidence of your progress and we can discuss your learning/effort/progress.  Together we will construct a grade that best represents your progress in the course.

Field trip information (including dates & associated costs) to follow – if you have any suggestions or concerns about going off campus,  please let me know.

Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.

I’m looking forward to an amazing semester!