Thursday, 28 February 2013

Interim Reports - Get Fit

I would like to see you up and using your blogs to post about your experiences so far in Get Fit.  With our busy week of field trips (Today, Monday and Tuesday), I would like you to post at least once during that time about our field trips on your own time (include pictures?).
I will book the library or iPad cart for Wednesday next week so that we can blog as a class as a formal report of your work habits.  This will serve as your interim report, as digital evidence of your journey and provide a platform for an ongoing conversation that your parents can read about and become a part of throughout this semester.  I will post guiding questions & themes next week.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Get Fit Field Trips

Hi Get Fit Girls!

Please return your field trip permission forms asap - I need your parents permission before we go to Woo Kim on Thursday (yahoo!).  I would like the fees to be given to me all at once as either cash or cheque to Sullivan Heights (so that I am not collecting money all semester long).
If you have any questions or concerns, please come and talk to me and we can work something out.

Field Trip Location:                          Woo Kim Surrey (on 64 and 148)
Date:                                                 Thursday Feb 28 & Thursday APRIL 25 NEW DATE!!!!
Transportation:                                  Walking
Time:                                                 During period 4 only (1-2)
Cost:                                                  $9.00 for both days

Field Trip Location:                          Newton Arena – Ice Skating
Date:                                                 Monday, March 4
Transportation:                                  City Bus – bring bus fare (1.75 each way in change)
Time:                                                 12:45 – 2:15
Cost:                                                  Helmets are required – can be rented for $1.50
                                                          Skate rental - $3

Field Trip Location:                          Mount Seymour - Snowshoeing
Date:                                                 Tuesday, March 5
Transportation:                                  School Bus
Time:                                                 Leave school at start of lunch, snowshoe from 12:30 – 2:30 and return to school between 3:30 and 4pm.  Students will miss periods 3, 4 & 5.
Cost:                                                 $19

Field Trip Location:                          Panorama School of Dance
Dates:                                               Wednesday, April 3 and Thursday, April 4
Transportation:                                  Walking
Time:                                                 1-2 (period 4 only)
Cost:                                                  $7

Field Trip Location:                          Sullivan Heights - Fencing
Dates:                                               Tues, April 16, Wed, April 17 and Thurs, April 18
Transportation:                                  n/a
Time:                                                 During class time
Cost:                                                  $12 for all three sessions

Field Trip Location:                          YMCA pool – Aqua Fit
Date:                                                 Thursday, May 16
Transportation:                                  Walking or parent drivers
Time:                                                 12:40 -2:25
Cost:                                                  $1

Field Trip Location:                          Grouse Grind
Date:                                                 To be determined
Transportation:                                  School Bus
Time:                                                 Leaving at 11am, returning by 3:30pm
Cost:                                                  To be determined

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

New Get Fit Bloggers!

Welcome to my new class of Get Fit Bloggers!

Hopefully you have given me your URL or web address of your new blog - and now I should be following you so that I can see the posts that you publish.

Write a paragraph about what you hope to get out of the class this semester - What are you looking forward to?  What do you hope to achieve?  What personal fitness goals do you have? What are your expectations of this course?

Have fun playing around with the templates and making your blog unique.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Active Learning - New Post

In todays fitness class, I would like you to think about what you have written in your mid year blog post.  Many students have written about how hard they work and push themselves during fitness days which is awesome!  Many more of you have written about having goals to improve your fitness as the year continues.  I was very happy to see so many students writing about how fitness has been beneficial to you so far.

With that in mind - please think about how you can show me evidence of your effort.  It may look like a written reflection.  Even better, post a picture of you either during or immediately after your workout that clearly shows that you have been sweating, have a red face etc., along with a short reflection of what it feels like to work hard.